Just a few pictures from Christmas

Madelyn and Allyson in their Christmas Eve attire. They are ready for a fun filled night at Grandma Debbie's house. Where their is a visit from Santa. Don't they look cute?

In the back ground is a present that
Santa made all by himself. A Barbie house is just what Madelyn wanted. Way to go Santa you did a fantastic job!!!!

Madelyn got a bike Christmas morning. This was so funny. The bike was on the other side of the Christmas tree. Madelyn came in Christmas morning looked at the tree, looked at the cookies Santa had eaten on the table, and still didn't see the bike. So we had Madelyn open a Christmas
ornament and hang it on the tree, well she hung it by the bike and still didn't see it. So we had her move it, told her to go over, over, down, down, over. She kept getting closer to the bike and finally she ran into the wheel and said "Hey". It was so funny. Well that just
confirms my conclusion that she is just like her father something has to be right in their face to even notice it.

Madelyn and Allyson riding their bikes the day after Chirstmas. Wasn't it perfect weather to get a new bike?

Madelyn recieved makeup from Santa. If you look closely you can see she has hot pink eye shadow on.
Well I still have more pictures to come as we still have Christmas from my side of the family to go.